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Our mission is to build total human capacity for the realization of full benefits of life's purpose through establishing and facilitating holistic services for the community's transformation. Teonda Children’s Foundation is a non-political organization founded upon mutual agreements, voluntarily entered into by its members. By facilitating education and improving the children's welfare, together with other partnerships, we are developing a community and creating future leaders in Tororo district. Our first project has started in Pajwenda village  Tororo district Eastern Uganda. We are reaching out to those children and families that are lacking basic needs like food, shelter, health and education.


The goal of the organization is to promote the social well being of the children, youth and women of Uganda and beyond. Singly or in association with the government, non-government and civil society organizations in a common aim to advance their welfare and to provide facilities in the interest of  the community and other charitable purposes in benefit of the children specially.


Together we can provide a healthy meal for these children and facilitate their education.

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