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"Every child reached makes a difference to the world"

Teonda Children's Foundation's mission is to empower the children in the rural communities of Uganda by feeding and sheltering the homeless, facilitating education and helping them explore other skills to build a better future and also being useful to their community.


“Do not withhold good

from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” 

Proverbs 3:27 NIV

Most children in rural Uganda in Tororo district lack what most consider "the basic needs" like, food, clothing, shelter and education. When individuals like you respond to their needs by donating, lives are changed and hope for a better future is attainable.

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Get involved in a child's life. Teonda Children's Foundation will connect you with the child you are sponsering, give you regular updates on the child's progress and be part of their life. You can also be part of organization by supporting one of our ongoing projects.

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